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The Dos and Don’ts of a Home Inspection | Seller & Buyer Edition

BY Reilly Beesley/November 2, 2022

You may be a seller and looking to guarantee the sale of your home, or you may be a buyer spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on your dream home. Either way, the home inspection is a crucial step in the journey. A home inspection is an unbiased and professional opinion on the current state of the home and can determine and minor or major concerns there may be. 

We’ve got the dos and don’ts when it comes to home inspections for both sellers and buyers.  

Selling your home? The Dos:

Schedule a pre-listing inspection 

Scheduling a pre-listing inspection is kind of like looking into a crystal ball. This inspection is going to tell you what problems a potential buyer may see. The less potential problems with your home, the likelier to sell. A pre-listing inspection will give you all the facts before you go on the market. Having this information is a huge plus and can be used to your benefit. Ultimately, a pre-listing inspection will help minimize the chance of anything coming up when potential buyers do a walkthrough. 

Complete all repairs and clean before inspection

Before you even bring the inspector in, be sure to complete all possible repairs and ensure the home and property are tidy. A clean and clutter-free space will allow for a more seamless inspection. If you have previously had repairs or renovations completed on your home it may be handy to have the dates of these home improvements available for the inspector, if needed. 

Prepare for common things that are brought up during inspections 

You’ll want to ensure that you are ready come inspection day and have addressed any potential issues which may jeopardize the inspection. Common areas and things to consider include:

  • Ensuring all light fixtures are in working order 
  • Toilets and plumbing functioning
  • Drains are unclogged
  • Doors and windows open and lock easily 
  • No leaks or water damage 
  • Fuse box properly labelled 
  • Gutters are cleaned and free of debris
  • There are no bug problems (inside or outside) 

Make sure there is a clear and unobstructed pathway to the following areas for inspection: 

  • Main water line 
  • Furnace 
  • Electrical Panel 
  • Hot water tank
  • Attic hitch 
  • Under the sink 

Selling your home? The Don’ts: 

Hang around during inspection

Nothing makes anyone more uncomfortable than someone who is just hovering around. Especially in a situation like this. Instead of hanging around during the inspection, plan to be out of the house during this time. A lot of times the prospective buyer will join the inspector, and they may not feel as comfortable asking questions if the current homeowner is hanging around. Unless the inspector needs something from you, the best thing you can do is get out of the home and let them do their thing. 

Have your pets running around 

If you have a pet, it is wise to have them out of the home during the inspection. This just allows for the process to be completed with minimal distractions and in a quiet environment.  As a common courtesy to both the inspector and the potential buyer, planning for your furry friend to be out of the house during this time is a wise idea. 

Buying a home? The Dos:

Be involved in the inspection

Number one thing as a buyer you can do during this step of the buying process is be involved. Ask questions and get curious. After all, you’re the one investing in the home and should any problems arise, they will be your responsibility. Don’t be afraid to speak up and get clarity as needed. We know sometimes in the moment it can be hard to come up with questions to ask so we have a few to help get the ball rolling. 

Questions before the inspection:

  • What do you check and what don’t you check?
  • How long will the inspection take?

Questions to ask during the inspection:

  • Can you clarify XYZ?
  • Is this a minor issue or a larger concern?
  • How soon will this need to be dealt with? 

Questions to ask after the inspection:

  • What are your biggest concerns about the place? 
  • Should I get in any other experts for specific issues for a follow up (i.e., Plumber, electrician, roofer etc.) 

Do your own pre-inspection 

Take matters into your own hands and do your own pre-inspection. Before the inspector comes in, get in there and see what the state of the home is in. This is an opportunity to discuss with the seller about any potential repairs and potentially including them in the cost of the sale.  

Ensure certain areas are well checked over 

There are certain areas of a home that are known to have more issues than others and where the majority of property issues fall. These areas include the attic, basement, roof, electrical, and plumbing. Make sure you’re asking questions here and feel really clear on what the inspector is seeing and sharing about these specific areas. And remember, this is your investment. So, if you don’t know what they are saying or what something means, ask for clarification! 

Buying a home? The Don’ts: 

Forgo inspection

Forgoing a home inspection altogether is not a corner you should be cutting. We know there’s a lot going on in the moving process and sometimes you may want to cut a corner or two to save some time and money. But the thing is, a home inspection is going to let you know the exact condition of the home prior to purchasing. Not only do you get to know the full picture of the home, but you also get the peace of mind that comes with the inspection. When you are making a purchase as big as this, you should want to know exactly what it is you’re getting.  

Pick the cheapest/quickest option 

Your home is an investment and rushing through on an inspection or opting for the quickest, or cheapest option is not going to be beneficial. Do a little research and find a reputable inspector in your area. Remember: quicker and cheaper does not equate to better.  

Going into the home inspection with rose coloured glasses may leave you a little disappointed should there be any issues. The best thing you can do is go in with an open mind and listen to what the inspector has to say. We are all about being optimistic, but don’t let that sheer optimism leave you feeling deflated should anything arise. We know perfect doesn’t exist and a home inspection will provide a professional non-bias opinion that will let you prioritize future home improvements. 



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